Healow Patient Portal
We offer a secure patient portal for all patients, which can be used to view your medical records, view lab results, request appointments or refills, or communicate directly with your healthcare provider. The patient portal is an encrypted website, where you sign in with a username and password. Your e-mail information will not be sold, and we will not send you junk mail. There is a free smartphone app available from the Android or Apple App Store (Healow), but it is not required to use the portal. To sign up for the portal, please call 919-378-1492 and request an account, or click the website button below:
Get the Healow App Today
- Download the Healow app from the Apple or Google App store using the links below
- Enter our practice code HEJBDA
- Enter your portal username and password to log on (or if you do not have a portal account- ask our staff about signing up)
- Create a PIN to securely access your records